Est. read time: 1 minute | Last updated: January 26, 2025 by John Gentile


Setting Up Windows for Use With *NIX Tools


  • Install Cygwin and select the minimum amount of packages required for your setup
    • Some suggestions are to at least install git, vim, tmux, openssh, and wget
  • Install apt-cyg, a nice Cygwin package manager
    • To install, just grab the the bash script apt-cyg and install apt-cyg /bin


  • Install ConEmu
  • Create a Cygwin task that targets the main Cygwin.bat script ConEmu & Cygwin


If you have Vim configuration files, make sure they are put in the correct Windows directory to be found; this can be found in Vim by using the command :echo $HOME or :echo $VIM to find the home (~ UNIX equivalent) or Vim system directory

Native Windows Tools

Sublime Text


  • Vintageous: Vim emulator for Sublime Text
  • SublimeLinter: Linter framework for multiple languages in Sublime Text
  • Git Gutter: Shows git diff information in side bar of file
  • All Autocomplete: Find autocompletions in any open file
  • Base16 Color Scheme: Variety of color schemes
  • MarkdownEditing: Completion and editing features for working with Markdown (*.md) files
  • Markdown Preview: Preview and compile Markdown files in internet browser as well as advanced features such as YAML and MathJax support (set enable_mathjax to true in your settings)
  • VHDL: VHDL language markup and syntax

Visual Studio


